Counselor’s Corner

Welcome to the JFCS Counselor’s Corner! Each month, one of our staff clinicians
delves into a different aspect of mental health or modes of therapy. 

Is It Depression or Dementia? Recognizing the Difference.

By Gail Belfer, MSW, LCSW, CDP - Director of Holocaust Survivor Services & Advocacy Many individuals are concerned when they notice changes in their personality, mood, and behavior - or [...]

What Is Life Coaching?

By Cheryl Herzfeld, MCMHC, LPC, BCC Many people have heard of “coaching,” but what exactly is it, and how does “life coaching” differ from counseling or therapy? One formal definition [...]

What Is Trauma?

By Temima Rothmel, MSW, LCSW - JFCS Staff Therapist Trauma is defined as a deeply disturbing and distressing experience. All of us have most likely experienced some form of trauma [...]

Play Therapy

By Rebecca Rosenau, MSW, LCSW, CDP - JFCS Director of Clinical Services Communicating with Children in the Language They Speak In adults, mental illness can be an invisible disability. Many [...]