Supported Employment

JFCS believes that everyone has the right to explore competitive, integrated employment as their first option and that individuals with developmental disabilities have the right to seek “real jobs” for “real pay.” The JFCS Supported Employment program offers support and training to help our clients meet the challenges of the workplace and achieve their fullest potential. Our person-centered approach seeks the best match for each client based on their interests, skills, aptitudes, and ideal work culture. JFCS is an approved vendor of supported employment services through the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) and the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD).

We have helped hundreds of clients find and maintain integrated community-based employment. Employment specialists and job support staff help individuals obtain and maintain competitive, integrated employment through job development, job support and long-term follow-along support services. We also provide pre-vocational training and job support in non-paid work settings to assist individuals as they develop work readiness skills that can prepare them for work in integrated community settings. JFCS will assist with locating the work setting. Support can be provided from 1 to 5 days by our Job Support staff. Transportation to the work site is not provided.

JFCS has established relationships with over 120 businesses
and organizations throughout South Jersey.

2023 Dubrow Vocational Celebration

2022 Dubrow Vocational Celebration

2020 Dubrow Vocational Celebration

2019 Honorees of the JFCS Dubrow Vocational Celebration Breakfast

Auto Plus




RTD Financial Advisors

2018 Dubrow Vocational Celebration

2017 Dubrow Vocational Celebration

2016 Dubrow Vocational Celebration