
High School Transition Services

Leaving high school can be an overwhelming time for students with developmental disabilities and their families. JFCS offers support for families and child study teams to help them understand the available resources as they navigate the transition to adult services.


Job sampling provides students with opportunities to work in a variety of community-based worksites to help them learn appropriate work behaviors and develop a better understanding of their strengths and interests. This service is customized to meet the needs of the student and the school, and is available from one to five days per week. JFCS job coaches accompany the student to the worksite, and are available to attend IEP meetings to report on the student’s vocational performance upon request.


Vocational assessments provide an understanding of the student’s aptitudes, skills, and interests. JFCS provides a written report with recommendations for future planning to the school district. Assessments include career and interest inventories, functional situational assessments in a variety of settings, and the administration of work readiness evaluations.


JFCS assists with resume development, interviewing skills, job applications, and counseling on the soft skills needed for success on the job, such as social skills, professional appearance, and appropriate work behavior.