
Older Adult Services

Living life to the fullest, while residing independently in our homes, is what we all hope for as we age. JFCS Older Adult Services can help you make that hope a reality! We offer wellness support, practical in-home services, and valuable resources such as transportation and support groups to help maintain community connections. For every stage of aging, our comprehensive menu of offerings can help enrich and assist individuals. Our staff excels at guiding seniors and their family members through every transition. We offer individualized resource consultations to assist with relocating, including making the move to a different level of care. Older Americans are leading longer, healthier, and more active lives than ever before. With support from JFCS, you can too!

Older Adult Services Offerings

60 + services





Counseling &

Emotional Supports

Older Adult


Ready to learn more about JFCS Older Adult Services?
Call (856) 424-1333
or email