Kislev 5785 / December 2024

As we enter the month of Kislev, which brings us the festival of Chanukah, we are mindful of the profound symbolism of light in Jewish tradition. During these challenging times, when darkness seems especially present in our world, JFCS continues to illuminate lives through acts of chesed (loving-kindness) throughout our community. This past month has shown us countless examples of this light in action:

Our community’s giving spirit shone brightly as 54 dedicated volunteers helped us pack and deliver 302 Thanksgiving meals to 191 client households. We are particularly grateful to Senator James Beach and Sabrina Spector, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, for their instrumental support, and to the Saltzman House for providing their kitchen facilities.

We are especially inspired by our next generation of emerging leaders. Bar Mitzvah student Asher Greenspan, grandson of JFCS Past President, Ann Miller, and her husband Bernie, demonstrated remarkable initiative by donating 50 kosher turkeys and Thanksgiving meals to our Betsy & Peter Fischer Food Pantry. Asher and his mother, Leslie, joined our staff to help distribute the food to clients. Thanks to a generous grant from the Jewish Community Foundation, our partnership with BBYO continues to flourish. On November 17, seven local BBYO chapters participated in an engaging Supermarket Sweep event at ShopRite, where they shopped for our pantry’s most-needed items while learning about kashrut and budgeting. The teens then visited our pantry to sort and shelve the food while learning about food insecurity and JFCS’s comprehensive services. We were also privileged to host two talented student interns from Kellman Brown Academy’s Jewish Leadership Academy, whose insight and commitment left us deeply impressed.

The spirit of community partnership was further exemplified by Board member Jason Wolf and Wolf Commercial Real Estate’s generous contributions of food, gift cards, and monetary donations for our Rhona Fischer Family Assistance Program (FAP) clients.

We also celebrated a wonderful milestone with the ribbon-cutting of the new Jonathan Sinay Building at 1721 Springdale Road, home to our TOPS Day Habilitation Program and Soups & Sweets culinary training program, as well as the Aleph Adult Day Center. This beautiful facility also features the J Sips Café, a general convenience store, a salon, a game room, a theater, a gym, outdoor recreation spaces, and a four-hole miniature golf course.

As we approach Chanukah, our local synagogues and day schools are already brightening the season through their support of our “Share the Joy” holiday gift card campaign, which will bring light and warmth to hundreds of JFCS clients.

During this time, we hold Israel in our hearts, and we pray for the safe return of the hostages and for peace and security in our homeland.

May this season of light bring hope, joy, and blessings to all.

Melanie & Jill, Associate Executive Directors

Top Row: Maxine Kaminsky, Sabrina Spector, Senator James Beach, Sherri Jonas, and Nadene Harris at our Thanksgiving meal distribution; Staff members Deena Neuwirth and Meri Seligman with Kellman Brown Academy’ JLA student interns. Middle Row: Asher Greenspan and Leslie Greenspan donating kosher turkeys and Thanksgiving side dishes to the Betsy & Peter Fischer Food Pantry; Staff members from Wolf Commercial Real Estate dropping off Thanksgiving food, gift cards, and monetary donations for JFCS clients. Bottom Row: Melanie (left) and Jill (right) with Board Vice President Lisa Freedman Enda at the grand opening of the Jonathan Sinay Building; Past and present JFCS Disability Services staff members at the Jonathan Sinay Building ribbon cutting.