Souper Bowl of Caring

Rhona Fischer Family Assistance Building 6 East Miami Avenue, Cherry Hill, United States

In honor of the Eagles heading to the Super Bowl, JFCS will be hosting a "Souper" Bowl of Caring, now through February 17! Help tackle hunger in our community by donating Kosher soups to our Betsy & Peter Fischer Food Pantry. Donations can be dropped off at the Rhona Fischer Family Assistance Building / Betsy [...]

Purim Food Drive

Rhona Fischer Family Assistance Building 6 East Miami Avenue, Cherry Hill, United States

Feed a stranger. Nourish your soul. Your donation of non-perishable kosher food items and household products will help nourish our neighbors in need! There will be collection containers outside the Rhona Fischer Family Assistance building for contactless drop off. Questions? Contact Deena Neuwirth at 856-477-1314. Most-needed donations include: • Shelf-Stable Milk • Hot & Cold [...]

Passover Food Drive

Rhona Fischer Family Assistance Building 6 East Miami Avenue, Cherry Hill, United States

"Whoever is hungry, come and eat. Whoever is needy, come and celebrate Passover." Your donation of Kosher for Passover food will help our neighbors in need celebrate the holiday! Most-needed Passover items include: Matzo • Matzo Meal • Matzo Ball Soup Mix • Passover Cake Mixes • Cake Meal • Gefilte Fish • Borscht • Chicken [...]