An Evening with Author Lockey Maisonneuve

Katz JCC 1301 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, NJ, United States

The JFCS Project SARAH (Stop Abusive Relationships at Home) Program is proud to present An Evening with Author Lockey Maisonneuve in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month   Neglected, abused, and sold into sex trafficking by her father, Lockey Maisonneuve was made to feel worthless and invisible by the very people who brought her into [...]


“Maid” to Survive: Cleaning up the Myth about Domestic Violence

Virtual Program

The Netflix original series Maid explores a young mother’s struggle to provide for her child after fleeing an abusive relationship. Released in October 2021, the ten-part series has been widely viewed and discussed. Join Jewish Family & Children’s Service for a panel discussion about Maid, including the harsh financial and logistical realities facing women who [...]