Memorial Day
JFCS Main Office 1301 Springdale Rd Ste 150, Cherry Hill, NJ, United StatesJFCS offices closed in observance of Memorial Day
JFCS offices closed in observance of Memorial Day
JFCS offices closed for Shavuot.
JFCS offices closed in observance of Independence Day
JFCS offices closed in observance of Labor Day.
JFCS offices will close at 1pm for Rosh Hashanah.
JFCS offices closed in observance of Yom Kippur
JFCS offices closed in observance of Thanksgiving.
JFCS offices closed in observance of Christmas Day
JFCS is seeking donations of Kosher food items to help bring the joy of Thanksgiving to our clients this year. Most-needed items: canned corn, stuffing, canned string beans, canned vegetables, peas, rice, canned sweet potatoes, boxed mashed potatoes, canned potatoes, canned cranberry sauce, canned fruit, applesauce, gravy, cornbread mix, cake mixes, boxed bread mixes, shelf-stable graham [...]
JFCS offices closed for Thanksgiving