Stepping Out with JFCS 2020

Congregation Beth El 8000 Main Street, Voorhees, NJ, United States

Join us at Congregation Beth El on Saturday, February 8 for an evening of great food, drinks, and entertainment! This annual event highlights the good work JFCS does year-round while raising vital funds for critical programs and services for residents of Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester counties.  Registration for Stepping Out is now closed. No further tickets [...]

Stepping In With JFCS Annual Fundraiser

Because of COVID-19, our “Stepping Out With JFCS” annual fundraiser has been re-imagined. This year, we invite you to our virtual event, “Stepping In With JFCS,” to take a walk in our shoes and witness the difference we are making for thousands of lives in South Jersey. To learn more and to RSVP, visit