August 11, 2023

Who Is Your Rock?

Last week, I was working at my desk when Emily*, a longtime JFCS clinician, walked into my office. She was visibly shaken and upset. I immediately stood up and she embraced me. She cried on my shoulder for what felt like five minutes. As I held her, I was worried for Emily personally and professionally. I immediately hoped that her family was safe and that she was okay. I wondered what could have happened to shake her to her core. 

We sat down and I learned that during Emily’s last counseling appointment, her client of many years confided that her chronic illness may now be terminal and that she was waiting for the test results. In this moment, Emily needed to stay strong and be her client’s rock. She offered advice and helped her client find her next steps. Emily processed the news with her and was proud that she found the strength she needed to be there for her client. Emily was her rock – present in the moment, ready to help and continue this important connection. 

But after her client left, she couldn’t hold back her own emotions. She needed someone to be her rock, and I was honored and privileged that I could be there for her. In that moment, I was struck by the sacred nature of our work at JFCS. Life is hard and sometimes we fear we might break under the incredible weight of our challenges. This is the space where that vital therapeutic relationship lies. Every day, we are tasked with helping our clients get through the unimaginable. We are here to help them find their way. 

While it is our mission to care for our clients, we also must ensure that our therapists, case managers, and staff have the tools, guidance, and emotional support they need to do this critical work. I am honored to walk alongside my staff as we change our world for the better, one client at a time. You are the people who stand by our agency to make this work possible, and I am privileged to join all of you. 

How lucky are we to have clinicians who care so deeply for their clients – and how honored we are to have clients who trust our clinicians so implicitly. Together, we can make this world a better place. 

So many of you have been my rock and I can’t begin to thank you enough! For those of you who are still new to me, let’s connect soon! 

Wishing you love and peace this Shabbat. 

All my best,


*Name changed for confidentiality