Now in its eleventh year of programming, One Step at a Time has engaged 9,797 individuals through 98 presentations. JFCS is committed to educating tweens, teens, and families about the epidemic of addiction in our South Jersey communities. Originally focused on opiate and heroin addiction, the program now incorporates all substances that impact young people, including alcohol, vapes, nicotine, marijuana, opiates, and heroin. Through interactive software, participants can actively engage with the presenters. Voices representing expertise, impact, and law enforcement remain integral to the program, as we share warning signs and offer safe and accessible ways to seek guidance and help.
Our mission to provide meaningful prevention awareness continues! Ultimately, we believe One Step at a Time saves lives by increasing awareness, promoting conversation, and normalizing the need to “ask for help.”
To learn more or to schedule a presentation, please contact Emily Witmier at (856) 424-1333 ext. 1415 or
One Step at a Time is sponsored by Gregg B. Wolfe, in loving memory of his 21-year-old son Justin Matthew Wolfe, and the Camden County Board of Commissioners.